How a Reverse Mortgage Affects Your Taxes

Reverse Mortgage Seattle Lynnwood Edmonds Shoreline WashingtonThere are many differences between a reverse mortgage and a traditional mortgage – and taxes are a big one.  Here’s a run down of what to expect come tax time if you have a reverse mortgage.

The Tax Liability Issue

Because any funds you receive from a reverse mortgage are essentially an advance on your home equity – equity you already own and have paid for, the IRS does not consider money received from a reverse mortgage as income, they consider it an advance, therefore it is not taxed as income.  This is the case regardless of how you receive the funds – whether monthly installments, a line of credit, or a lump sum, you will never pay income tax on this.

What About Deductions on Interest?

Here’s one situation where there is a stark difference between a traditional mortgage and a reverse mortgage.  With a traditional mortgage interest and fees paid are tax deductible every year they are paid.  This is still the case with a reverse mortgage, except in the scenario of a reverse mortgage the interest is not paid until the loan comes due, therefore it cannot be claimed as a deduction until this point.  The loan comes due if the borrowers sells the home, passes away, or permanently leaves the home.

Property Taxes

With a traditional mortgage, property taxes are often taken care of by an escrow service.  With a reverse mortgage the homeowner is 100% responsible for making sure these property taxes are kept up to date.  If there are financial concerns about the ongoing cost of property taxes, discuss this with your reverse mortgage specialist.  In the new financial assessment there are options to help set aside a portion of the funds to cover ongoing expenses such as property taxes and homeowner’s insurance.

Reverse mortgage is an individualized, specialized loan for those 62 and older that allows seniors to tap into the equity of their home while living mortgage and loan payment free.  The funds can be accessed via a lump sum, line of credit, monthly installments, or even to purchase a home. If you are planning ahead let your specialist guide you creatively to suit your needs and desires.

Janis Layman is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Seattle, Lynnwood, Edmonds, and Shoreline areas of Washington.  Contact Janis and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.

5 Surprising Ways To Put a Reverse Mortgage to Work for You

Reverse Mortgage Seattle Lynnwood Edmonds Shoreline WashingtonOne of the biggest perks of a reverse mortgage is it’s up to the borrower to decide how to use the funds, as well as how to receive those funds.  And with the rapidly improving reputation of today’s reverse mortgage, those uses are being suggested more often and are becoming more creative.  This wonderful financial tool, available to seniors 62 and over, is now being widely accepted by financial advisors across the nation.  Here’s a few reasons why…

1.) A reverse mortgage can eliminate existing housing debt.  In 2010 42% of seniors age 62 and over had housing debt.  This is a dramatic increase compared to the 1992 estimate which was only 24%.  Housing debt can be a huge financial burden to aging Americans, whether it’s because they’re on a fixed income or because it interrupts the dreams they once had for their golden years.  Using a reverse mortgage to pay off a conventional mortgage, or even a HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit), can relieve some serious pressure in the borrower’s life, as well as adult children.

2.) A reverse mortgage line of credit can protect a retirement portfolio.  During the 2008 economic crisis we all saw first hand how retirement investments are not guaranteed.  But an FHA insured reverse mortgage line of credit is.  Using home equity to take out a reverse mortgage line of credit now offers a second level of protection against economic pitfalls and the impact they may have on a retirement portfolio in the future.   And unlike a conventional home equity line of credit, the reverse mortgage line of credit is not accompanied by a loan payment.

3. ) Age at home and fund in-home care with a reverse mortgage.  One of the most common things I hear from those seeking a reverse mortgage is that they want to age at home as long as possible.  Why wouldn’t they?  The funds from a reverse mortgage can allow the elderly to do just that and fund the care they need if assistance becomes a need.

4.) Delay Social Security payments until the maximum benefit is available at age 70.  The funds from a reverse mortgage can be used as a bridge to put off tapping into Social Security payment before they’re worth their max.  Then once the Social Security is accessed, the borrower will receive funds from both.

5.) Reduce tax burden by reducing taxable income.  The funds from a reverse mortgage are not considered income, meaning they are not taxed.  This can be a huge benefit when other options to bring in cash include taxable incomes such as working and withdrawing from taxable retirement investments.

For seniors 62 and over reverse mortgage is an excellent option.  Homeowners can access the equity in their home, live mortgage and loan payment free, and no repayment is due until the last borrower passes or permanently leaves the home at which time there are options.  For some retirees, it could mean the difference between living and living well.

Janis Layman is a Reverse Mortgage Specialist serving the Seattle, Lynnwood, Edmonds, and Shoreline areas of Washington.  Contact Janis and learn if reverse mortgage is right for you.